Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER)











The Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER), a European Union Agency, was created by the Third Energy Package to further progress the completion of the internal energy market both for electricity and natural gas.

ACER was officially launched in March 2011, and has its seat in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

As an independent European structure which fosters cooperation among European energy regulators, ACER ensures that market integration and the harmonisation of regulatory frameworks are achieved within the framework of the EU’s energy policy objectives. The latter aim to create:

  • A more competitive, integrated market which offers consumers more choice;
  • An efficient energy infrastructure guaranteeing the free movement of energy across borders and the transportation of new energy sources, thus enhancing security of supply for EU businesses and consumers;
  • monitored and transparent energy market guaranteeing consumers fair, cost-reflective prices and the deterrence of abusive practices.

ACER is thus a central institution in the creation of a Single Energy Market to the benefit of all EU consumers!

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